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Limiting Belief: You Are Broken

Last week, we discussed how the “doctor knows best” could be a limiting belief. Today, we move on to another common limiting belief that keeps people from healing.

This is the common myth that they are broken.

There are many reasons why a person first comes into my office for care.

It could be because of nagging pain or a recurrent ailment, a stressful event, a desire for more ease in life and joy or even because a ‘persistent’, yet loving family member, friend or co-worker said so.  

Regardless of the motivation, the underlying hope in most of us is that we want our individual problem fixed and we’re looking to someone else to do it.

To be fixed, you must first be broken. You are not broken.  

“What?” you may ask.  “Then why am I not healing???”

Imagine you are talking on your cell phone with someone and in the middle of a conversation, the signal is dropped. Do you think your phone is broken or have you simply lost your connection?

Healing is not about correction because you’re broken.

It is about the connection between your body and the nervous system.

Do you need help with your healing pathways?

Here are 3 ways to connect:

  1. In office. If you need help regulating your nervous system, you’re in pain or you suffer from a chronic long-term illness. We will help you get back on track.
  2. Daily Dose of Healing: This is a self-led program where you get daily training over Telegram. You can tap into a community of like-minded individuals and work on your healing in an immersive environment. This is great for individuals who are already on their healing journey. You have some tools and strategies and you’re looking for more.
  3. 1-1 Embodied Business Mentorship: This is for the healer, coach, lightworker, visionary, or creator who’s looking to start or build their business in 2024. I want to get to know your dreams. I want you to feel seen and heard and to show you how to allow others to see you.
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