Your Best Is Yet to Come

Do you live your life reflecting back on your past or thinking about the good old days?

I don’t.


Because I believe that the best is yet to come.

I look back on my past and have gratitude for it as it brought me to where I am today. I don’t wish to go back to it as every step was part of the growth.

Instead of focusing on what you could have done differently, let it go and accept it as part of your journey.

Love every part of your life as it has brought you to who you are right now.

Where you have gone tells me nothing about where you can go.


Because you can decide to tap into a new identity at any moment.

Do you want a richer, more fulfilling life? 

Go out and get it.

No one else is going to do it for you.

No one is coming to save you.

It’s you.

You are the one.

You have always been the one.

The only thing that you can’t do, is to not be the one.

The one what?

The only you that will ever exist in the entire universe.

No one else has your nervous system, your experiences, your gifts and will ever be you again.

You are not one in a million. 

You are once in a lifetime.

What are you going to do with that?

When your nervous system is in an energetically low state, life happens to you.

When your nervous system is energy neutral, life happens and you have to manage the energy.

With an energetically rich nervous system, life happens through you.

With super-rich energy, life happens for you.

At your highest level, you happen for life.

Where is your nervous system now?

If you are currently being called to step into your next level, whether that be for healing, transformation, your business, etc., then the time is now and I would love to support you through your growth.

Here are 3 ways to work with me.

  1. In office. If you need help regulating your nervous system, you’re in pain or you suffer from a chronic long-term illness. We will help you get back on track.
  2. Daily Dose of Healing: This is a self-led program where you can a daily training over Telegram. You can tap into a community of like-minded individuals and work on your healing in an immersive environment. This is great for individuals who are already on their healing journey. You have some tools and strategies and you’re looking for more.
  3. 1-1 Private coaching: For the first time ever, I’ve opened up a couple of spots for 1-1 coaching. This is for the person looking to make a quantum leap. You get my eyes on your healing, growth, business, etc. whichever aspect of your life you want to improve upon. Send me an email for the application.

Published by Dr. Amanda Chan

Dr. Amanda Chan is a non-traditional chiropractor located in Ottawa, ON. She focuses on Neuro-Optimization which looks at the physical, emotional and thought patterns affecting your body and your life. Her mission is to give you specific tools and strategies to guide you on your healing journey.

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