How Quickly Can Change Happen?

Change is a force that shapes our lives and the world around us. It can be gradual, slow, or sudden, catching us off guard.  One of the most intriguing aspects of change is how it can happen in an instant, like a lightning bolt transforming the landscape. These moments of rapid transformation are like theContinue reading “How Quickly Can Change Happen?”

Nervous System Transformation

In a previous article, we delved into regulating the nervous system. Today, we’re about to explore the comprehensive framework I employ to guide individuals along their path to transforming their nervous system. Step one of this process involves the gathering of crucial information. At this stage, I take a deep dive into the patient’s historyContinue reading “Nervous System Transformation”

Embrace Your Worthiness

In my practice, I frequently encounter individuals who struggle with feelings of unworthiness. These sentiments manifest as a belief that they do not deserve abundance, healing, or even their own existence. However, I’m here to declare that this cycle ends today. Today marks the pivotal moment when you make the conscious choice to recognize yourContinue reading “Embrace Your Worthiness”

Accelerating the Healing Process

In a recent discussion, we explored the concept of nervous system regulation – a topic I’m frequently asked about. Today, our focus shifts to a pressing question: “How can I expedite the healing process?” To provide some context, a significant portion of the individuals I see in my practice are grappling with chronic, long-term ailments.Continue reading “Accelerating the Healing Process”

What is Nervous System Regulation?

My focus in practice is to give people tools and strategies to regulate their nervous system. A question that I often get asked is: What does it mean to regulate your nervous system? Having a regulated nervous system means that you have the ability to choose your response in any given environment or condition. YouContinue reading “What is Nervous System Regulation?”

Are You Suffering?

Did you know that there’s a difference between pain and suffering? Pain is a physical or emotional sensation that arises from an adverse circumstance or stimulus. It is an essential biological signal to protect our bodies from harm and alert us to potential dangers. Physical pain can be acute or chronic, resulting from injuries, illnesses,Continue reading “Are You Suffering?”

Who’s Game are You Winning?

Life is often described as a game, where we navigate through a series of challenges, triumphs, and setbacks. If you think of your current reality as a game, who made up the rules of the game that you’re playing? Are you playing your parent’s game? Did they define what it takes to be successful orContinue reading “Who’s Game are You Winning?”